633 people on file

Matilda Ford

Born on 00/00/1824
Died on 18/05/1853
Daughter of Lemon Ford (00/00/1780 - 00/00/1871) and Margaret Robinson (00/00/1786 - 13/07/1866)
Isabella Ford (00/00/1808 - 16/03/1888)
James Ford (00/00/1819 - 06/06/1896)
George Ford (00/00/1820 - 00/00/1908)
Mary Jane Ford (00/00/1823 - 31/03/1888)
Joe Ford (00/00/1824 - 12/08/1868)
Margaret Ford (00/00/1824 - 15/09/1889)
Arthur Ford (00/00/1830 - 31/05/1886)


Died age 29

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