
My Family

633 people on file

All details for people born after 01/01/1914 are restricted to protect their identities. If you are a registered user you can view these details and edit record. Everybody is free to browse the unrestricted records.
If you think anybody here matches into your family tree, please let me know or send me this worksheet.

Site Statistics
Area Number
People On File 633
Census records 0
Images 4
Document Transcripts 0
Locations 247

Top 10 Surnames

  • Mitchard (55)
  • Wendling (53)
  • Ridout (47)
  • Featherstone (42)
  • Slade (29)
  • Jarvis (29)
  • Wellon (24)
  • Beingesser (22)
  • MANUEL (21)
  • Ford (21)
Random Image

George William Ridout
Upcoming Anniversaries
Births Date Anniversary
Henry Clarence Doll 29/07/1890 134 years
Roseanna Elizabeth (Annie) Ridout 31/07/1871 153 years
Laura Gertrude Manuel 31/07/1890 134 years
Hanna Elizabeth Osmond 00/08/1860 164 years
Norman Harold McKinley 02/08/1901 123 years
Mary Emeline Doll 03/08/1879 145 years
Marriages Date Anniversary
Deaths Date Anniversary
Agusta Gus Ridout 30/07/1968 56 years
Mary Anne Haydon 02/08/1926 98 years
Mary Windsor Wellan 05/08/1900 124 years
Margaret Eileen Jarvis 05/08/1967 57 years
Joe Ford 12/08/1868 156 years
Hanna Elizabeth Osmond 12/08/1923 101 years
Last 20 People Updated RSS
Person Updated
James Jarvis 20/09/2022
Charlotte Stevens 18/09/2022
Joseph Stevens 18/09/2022
Stewart Slade 30/08/2022
Andrew Slade 30/08/2022
Mary Eliza Slade 30/08/2022
Ralph Edward Slade 30/08/2022
Abel Edwin Chalk 30/08/2022
Hanna Elizabeth Osmond 30/08/2022
Martha Anne Wellon 30/08/2022
Margaret Eileen Jarvis 27/08/2022
Edith Marie Jarvis 27/08/2022
Harriet Broderick 27/08/2022
John Broderick Jarvis 27/08/2022
Dorothy Wendling 25/08/2022
Aubrey Ridout 25/08/2022
Allan Rideout 25/08/2022
Beatrice Anne Ridout 25/08/2022
James Williams 25/08/2022
Eleanor (Nel) Ridout 25/08/2022

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