633 people on file

F Lucy Ann White

Born on 00/00/1862
Died on 17/02/1917
Daughter of unknown and unknown


Marriage 2 CONT 2 CONT SLADE, WHITE----On Jan. 15th, by Rev. R. TEMPLE R.D., Mr. James SLADE of Durrell's Arm, to Miss Lucy Ann WHITE of Frost Harbor, Twillingate.<br> 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT James SLADE d Aug 29 1905 Durrells Arm consumption 47 years CE 2 CONT fishing not given Twillingate Married Jan 15 1882 ANG (TWILL SUN) to Lucy Ann WHITE (died 1917 age 55 yrs). <br> 2 CONT February 17, 1917 Death On Monday, Lucy SLADE, widow of the late James SLADE, passed away at the age of 55 after suffering for a number of years from internal cancer. Interment took place in the St. Andrew’s cemetery by Rev. HUNT on Thursday. She leaves an adopted son. 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT 2 CONT Will of Ann Slade 2 CONT from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages 315-316 probate year 1915 2 CONT 2 CONT In re 2 CONT ANN SLADE deceased. 2 CONT 2 CONT I Ann Slade, of Jenkins Arm, Twillingate South Island, in the Northern District of the Island of Newfoundland, being of sound mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament, in manner and form following, that is to say:- 1. I give devise and bequeath unto my grandsons Paul Slade, Steward Slade, Andrew Slade Edward Ralph Slade (all sons of Edward Slade) and George Stuckless Jr. son of George Stuckless all my property, situated at Jenkins Arm above named, and conveyed to me by the late Elizabeth Wrapson, (now known as Slade’s property) and consisting of land, two out-houses and water-side-premises, to be equally divided amongst them their heirs administrators and assigns for their sole use and benefit forever. 2 CONT (2) It is hereby understood that the dwelling houses now occupied by the widows of the late James Slade and Edward Slade is not included in the above bequest sec 1; and further it is understood that the widows above named, so long as they occupy these houses are to have unmolested access to and from these houses, and to remove them if they wish to do at any time without hindrance or let And lastly I hereby appoint and constitute Charles White executor of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills by me made. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand this eighteenth day of Oct. A.D. 1909. Ann her X mark Slade Signed in the presence of George Rogers Herbert Newman 2 CONT 2 CONT (Listed in the margin next to this will the following) 2 CONT Fiat 2 CONT May 8/15 2 CONT C.J. 2 CONT Probate 2 CONT May 10/15 2 CONT granted to 2 CONT Chas White 2 CONT Estate sworn 2 CONT at $500.00

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